We’ve had a tradition for the past 6 years to go camping with a bunch of our friends! We all look forward to it every year! As the group gets older, the tents are turning into trailers! Us young ones rough it out! 🙂 Or maybe I just don’t want to spend the money! Instead, we sleep on an air mattress that seems to always deflate in the middle of the night and enjoy the hot sun shining into our tent every morning! For the last few years, we have been camping out at Lincoln Park in Wenatchee, WA! It is a beautiful, clean campsite and is perfect for our group as we are all grouped together around a huge field that the kids play in. The only downside is that the river is a tad, I mean a lot, cold! This year was a bit different for us as slowly we could see a huge forest fire come over the mountains half way through the trip. Eventually we could see the flames and the wind started to blow the smoke toward us. I was happy to know that a large river was between us and the fires. Through the week we did a lot of sitting on lawn chairs, biking, water fights and eating! It was VERY relaxing! As a tradition, Troy & Jayme brought a pinata for the kids and we did a huge game of Capture the Flag – Adults vs. Kids. The forest fire made for a cool photo in the background! The kids all had their faces painted in the Argentina colors to annoy Steve (a Netherlands fan).
Oh yeah and Matt woke up at 5:30am with his brother and Greg to run up a mountain 🙂 Was back at the campsite just in time for when we woke up!
Looking forward to next year!!
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